This website is in desperate need for an update

Hi! My website is utterly outdated. It’s a fact and I have no resources to fix the issue now. I’m really sorry for that. However, I’ll do my best to integrate in upcoming year some form of shop to this website. Available products with prices, descriptions, pictures and so on. I don’t now yet how…


All of the recent knives added to gallery (fixed blades and neck knives).     New available knives.  


Small update after the knife exhibition in Warsaw. New stuff in gallery and a few knives in ”available” section. I will add another works soon.

Another update.

New knives are available. If you are interested please send me a message via email (or PM on facebook). Open this post for more info.

New knife.

I made handle for awesome mosaic damascus blade. Blade was made by Greg Forge. More details and pics you can find in ”other works” section in the gallery.  

New stuff.

After the Dutch Knife Exhibition 2016 and Knifeshow 2016 (in Gliwice) I have some time to update my website. I added new fixed knives and neck knives. Some of them you can also find in the ”available knives” section. If you have questions, please send me an email 🙂  

Update of the page.

I added some of recent knives to the page. You can find them in ”Neck knives” and ”Fixed blades” section. New knives will appear soon. If you have any questions about my knives or orders, please send me an email. Unfortunately I don’t have any available knife now.

New fixed blades!

A few new knives in gallery. Now I can to make sandblasted handles for better grip.  

Preparations for DKE 2015 (Dutch Knife Exhibition)

I would like to invite you to visit my table in Tiel. I will be there with my knives. Here is the official website:   And some photos of last works. I will add new knives to gallery as soon as possible….

Four new knives in ”Neck knives” section.